Vacancy Schedules. Simplified.

Get access to searchable, real-time commercial property vacancy schedules.

We simply have the numbers


Live Properties

Property Updates p/m

Property Searches p/m

Our approach

vacancyPro sources and consolidates commercial, retail and industrial vacancy schedules from landlords within the Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, and makes them simple and convenient to search with its easy-to-use desktop and mobile platform.


Typically, property brokers get in contact with landlords to get access to their properties. Now, they get access to landlords via their interest in a property.


Time is money, that is why we constantly focus on seamlessly connecting interested brokers with relevant landlords.

For brokers

We spend all of our time on vacancy schedules, so that you don’t have to!

This means no more rushing around to canvas and go through schedules to make sure you have the right property at the right time. This means happier clients, quick and efficient service and more closed deals!


By having your schedules managed for you, you are able to focus on what really matters, closing more deals.


Once you have found the right property, we don’t get in the way. You get direct access to every property manager.

For landlords

vacancyPro seamlessly puts your property vacancies in the hands of our entire commercial broker database so that you may enjoy maximum visibility for your properties and increase your chances of finding tenants.


Our platform makes sure that your properties are never missed. If your property matches a property that is being searched for, they will find yours.


Once a property professional has interest in your property, you get instant engagement from them. We do not get involved in your deal in any way.

How it works

Landlords send vacancy schedule

Not only does vacancyPro receive routinely issued vacancy schedules directly from landlords but we also make contact with landlords during the month to ensure properties are accurately up-to-date. 

Properties are updated

Vacancy schedules are received by the vacancyPro team and instantly updated to the platform to ensure our brokers get access to real-time property information. 

Brokers search for properties

Brokers are able to search through all vacancy schedules easily by filtering through various criteria to ensure the right properties are found.

Brokers contact landlords directly

Once the perfect properties are found either for a potential tenant or to market for potential tenants, brokers can then make direct contact with the relevant landlord or property manager. 

The features you want

Property Images

Properties are available with images to assist you in ensuring that the selected property is correct. In some cases no images are available.

Map Search

Search using key filters along with the map to find exactly the right properties, in the right location, at the right price for your client at exactly the right time.

Add to Favourites

Save your favorite properties and have easy access to them right when you need them. 

Similar Listings

See similar properties at the bottom of each property you view that match the same property parameters.

Advanced Filter Search

Search by advanced features search, including 3-phase, 24/7 security, yard space, back-up power and water etc. 

Saved Search Notifications

Save your specific search parameters so that you can rerun that search at a later stage but more importantly get notified of new properties added to the platform within those search parameters.

Compare Properties

Compare a specific selection of properties to ensure you get your client the best possible property.

Search. Connect. Manage. Grow!