The real estate CRM for brokers

Discover how our commercial real estate CRM can improve your workflow by simply connecting your people and your properties!

A CRM designed to be simple and perfectly integrated into our property search!

What is a commercial real estate CRM?

A commercial real estate CRM is a customer management tool designed for real estate agents, property brokers and brokerages.

It helps real estate professionals manage the key information of their client, manage their deals and plan the next steps.

So, what makes the vacancyPro CRM so great?

By applying our value of simplicity, we bring you the simplest, easiest broker CRM focused on saving you time and helping you grow!

vacancyPro has one priority: to connect people and properties. Our CRM takes this a step further by connecting your people and your properties

Why is a real estate CRM so important?

Commercial real estate is all about building trust and getting the best possible outcome for your client. 

A CRM is vital to a commercial property professional becuase that trust creates a long standing realtionship, which brings in more referrals business along with it. 

Having a simple and effective way to manage your relationships and your deals means you will have a healthier deal pipleline and a better way to stay on top of your clients.  

Our CRM features

Property matching

Not only does the CRM allow you to manage your clients and your deals, but it matches the entire vacancyPro database to each client based on their key information.

Deal manager

Don’t think we have forgotten about deal management. Our CRM allows you to set key stages in the deal as well as next steps and actions.

This means you will always be on top of your deals and track them from a prospect through to a closed deal!

Daily and weekly property alerts

Our broker CRM allows you to not only search properties by client, but also set email alerts based on their unique attributes.

This means that you will never miss a property and never miss a potential closed deal!

Unique customer attributes

Just like you search properties by suburb, property type and size; you can now apply these fields to your clients on the CRM. 

This allows you to search for properties in an instant that are matched exactly to your client! 

How to use the CRM

Adding a new contact

Adding a new contact is simple and packed with unique client attributes. 

Adding and managing a deal

Link up your contacts to deals to make sure you are tracking and managing what matters most. 

Matching properties

We have integrated our leading property search platform with our CRM. Search properties based on your clients and deals.

“I’ve been in the real estate business for years, and ABC International Real Estate recently integrated vacancyPro into our operations, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. This system has revolutionised how the team manages commercial properties, streamlining processes, and significantly boosting business efficiency.”

Commercial Broker – ABC International Real Estate

Search. Connect. Manage. Grow!