Commercial property reports

Get Office, Retail, and Industrial property reports focusing on commercial property marketed rental rates searchable by size and type!

We now bring you real-time searchable and filterable marketed rental rates for office, retail and industrial properties!

Property reports for landlords

Make sure that you are ahead of the curve by leveraging the power of instant and up to date marketed rental rates.

Our filtering features allow you to narrow your search down to suburb, property type, and size. This means you can confidently make sure you are marketing your properties in line with market demands.   

By leveraging real-time data, property professionals can improve their property valuations and management strategies, attract high-quality tenants, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving market.

Cape Town




Prices per sqm, excluding VAT

Property reports for property professionals

Say goodbye to outdated information and embrace the power of instant access to the latest rental rates, enabling property professionals to make informed decisions with confidence.

Our filtering features allow narrowing your search based on suburb, property type, and size.

By leveraging real-time data, property professionals can improve their valuations and management strategies and stay ahead in the ever-evolving market.

Search. Connect. Manage. Grow!